Layanan Pencarian Kerja

Kami membantu pencari kerja dan perusahaan dalam menemukan tenaga kerja yang tepat dan berkualitas.

Pencarian Tenaga Kerja

Kami menyediakan layanan pencarian tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan Anda secara efektif.

A group of people dressed in formal attire are standing in front of a real estate office. The storefront displays a large sign with an URL and various social media icons, and text in a foreign language. The group mostly consists of men in white shirts and dark trousers, standing in a straight line, with two women at either end of the row.
A group of people dressed in formal attire are standing in front of a real estate office. The storefront displays a large sign with an URL and various social media icons, and text in a foreign language. The group mostly consists of men in white shirts and dark trousers, standing in a straight line, with two women at either end of the row.
Pelatihan Keterampilan

Kami menawarkan pelatihan keterampilan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pencari kerja agar lebih siap bersaing di pasar.

Kami menjembatani pencari kerja dan perusahaan untuk menciptakan hubungan kerja yang saling menguntungkan.

Jembatan Karir
A modern office building with large glass windows. In front of the building, there is a green sign with a plug symbol and the letters 'EY'. Surrounding the area are neatly trimmed bushes.
A modern office building with large glass windows. In front of the building, there is a green sign with a plug symbol and the letters 'EY'. Surrounding the area are neatly trimmed bushes.
A sign with the address 605 W Maude Ave and the LinkedIn logo is surrounded by greenery and trees.
A sign with the address 605 W Maude Ave and the LinkedIn logo is surrounded by greenery and trees.

Proyek Kerja

Kami membantu pencari kerja dan perusahaan menemukan tenaga kerja.

A person in formal attire stands confidently in a bright, modern office space with large windows. The room has light colors and minimal furnishings, including a chair and a small table.
A person in formal attire stands confidently in a bright, modern office space with large windows. The room has light colors and minimal furnishings, including a chair and a small table.
Pencarian Kerja

Menyediakan layanan pencarian tenaga kerja yang efektif.

A roadside scene featuring a large sign displaying gas prices and a digitally lit 'Help Wanted' message. Below is a 'Liquor' sign accompanied by various advertisements for beer and snacks. The background includes a strip mall with a pet store and other businesses nestled among pine trees.
A roadside scene featuring a large sign displaying gas prices and a digitally lit 'Help Wanted' message. Below is a 'Liquor' sign accompanied by various advertisements for beer and snacks. The background includes a strip mall with a pet store and other businesses nestled among pine trees.
The image depicts a large window with the text 'VDAB Werkwinkel' prominently displayed on it. The glass has diagonal white lines across it and the background reflects a cloudy sky and faint structures.
The image depicts a large window with the text 'VDAB Werkwinkel' prominently displayed on it. The glass has diagonal white lines across it and the background reflects a cloudy sky and faint structures.
A narrow passageway leads to a small booth with a person inside wearing a hat, looking at some papers. On the booth window, there is a large sign that reads 'WANTED FULL / PART TIME DAY/NIGHT CONTROLLER' and a smaller 'WARNING' sign.
A narrow passageway leads to a small booth with a person inside wearing a hat, looking at some papers. On the booth window, there is a large sign that reads 'WANTED FULL / PART TIME DAY/NIGHT CONTROLLER' and a smaller 'WARNING' sign.

Berkolaborasi dengan perusahaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja.

Lembaga ini sangat membantu saya dalam mencari pekerjaan. Prosesnya cepat dan stafnya ramah. Saya sangat puas dengan layanan yang diberikan!

Rina S.

A tall building features a large advertisement promoting rental opportunities. The lower part of the scene includes playground equipment and a parked white van. The sky above is partly cloudy, creating a contrast with the building.
A tall building features a large advertisement promoting rental opportunities. The lower part of the scene includes playground equipment and a parked white van. The sky above is partly cloudy, creating a contrast with the building.
