Tentang Bursa Kerja SMK

Kami adalah lembaga yang membantu pencari kerja dan perusahaan dalam menemukan tenaga kerja yang tepat dan berkualitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka.

A man stands in an urban environment holding a large paper or cardboard object. The background features a graffiti-covered wall with bold lettering and numbers. In the foreground, an advertisement board displays a sign reading 'WORKPLACE JOBS WEDNESDAYS' in large letters. The scene is in black and white, creating a gritty, urban aesthetic.
A man stands in an urban environment holding a large paper or cardboard object. The background features a graffiti-covered wall with bold lettering and numbers. In the foreground, an advertisement board displays a sign reading 'WORKPLACE JOBS WEDNESDAYS' in large letters. The scene is in black and white, creating a gritty, urban aesthetic.
A person is holding a resume in front of them while sitting at a white table. Another person, slightly blurred, is seated across the table. The resume has a blue header with the name and title 'Lauren Chen, Digital Marketing Specialist'. Sections visible include contact information, education, and professional experience.
A person is holding a resume in front of them while sitting at a white table. Another person, slightly blurred, is seated across the table. The resume has a blue header with the name and title 'Lauren Chen, Digital Marketing Specialist'. Sections visible include contact information, education, and professional experience.
A man in a formal dark suit stands confidently outside a building with a sign that reads 'Libyan Airlines Training Academy'. He is positioned in front of a door, with a decorative plant in a pot nearby.
A man in a formal dark suit stands confidently outside a building with a sign that reads 'Libyan Airlines Training Academy'. He is positioned in front of a door, with a decorative plant in a pot nearby.

Visi dan Misi

Visi kami adalah menjadi jembatan antara pencari kerja dan perusahaan, menciptakan peluang kerja yang lebih baik di Gresik dan sekitarnya.

Lokasi Kami

Kami berlokasi di Gresik, siap membantu pencari kerja dan perusahaan dalam menemukan tenaga kerja yang tepat.


Jl. Raya Gresik No. 123


09:00 - 17:00

Lembaga ini sangat membantu saya dalam mencari pekerjaan. Prosesnya cepat dan stafnya ramah. Saya sangat merekomendasikan Bursa Kerja Khusus SMK Assa'adah Gresik!

Rina S.

A vintage sign with bold red and black lettering on a white background. The text advertises job openings for first-class mechanics and helpers, with instructions to contact Charles Schmidt for an application. The bottom features the name of a shipbuilding and dry dock company located in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin.
A vintage sign with bold red and black lettering on a white background. The text advertises job openings for first-class mechanics and helpers, with instructions to contact Charles Schmidt for an application. The bottom features the name of a shipbuilding and dry dock company located in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin.
